Getting Your Site Up to Speed: The Top Web Design Trends of 2019

According to Live Internet Stats, the Internet reached 1 billion websites in September 2014. 

Nowadays, it's common practice to have a company website. With so many competitors within your industry going digital too, it's important to stand out from the crowd.

Here are our top six web design trends for 2019. By adding these trends throughout your website, you can achieve a modern website design capable of wow-ing your customers!

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1. Give It Up to the Gradients

Combined with bright, eye-catching colours, gradients are a fun way to add movement onto the page. If your website is lacking photography, illustrations, or other imagery elements, gradients can add a little pop back in.

Use gradients to break up large portions of text or give headers a cool effect.

Gradients are also a great way to change up how you use your company colour scheme. Try a few gradients as backgrounds or within headers to see what works best for your website.

2. Serifs For the Win

Serifs are no longer exclusively for print materials. The coolest websites are replacing their san serifs with serif typefaces this year.

A bold serif can call attention to header or callout text. They're also effective for adding emphasis to the page's call-to-action (CTA).

This move towards vintage typography uses bolder, thicker strokes that stand out on the page. 

That way, you can draw a website visitor's eyes towards the CTA so they convert into a customer.

3. Diving into Depth

Many companies are also using web design trends that add depth to their website pages.

This includes 3D illustrations that add depth and realism onto the page. Many companies are also layering different images, illustrations, and backgrounds to achieve this depth. 

This gives websites a virtual-reality feel, which responds to the latest trends in technology.

4. Interesting Illustrations

Surreal and abstract art are also making more appearances on creative websites. These web design trends add an emotional connection onto the page.

They're also fun and help engage readers with the content. 

5. Go Micro

Instead of going all out, micro-animations fuel fun website design ideas that also improve functionality.

These little animations enhance the user experience. They also draw attention to certain points on the page.

This can improve engagement and give more purpose to each animation.

These micro-animations also work great for mobile website visitors. That way, you can feature animations on a responsive website that don't slow load time. Check out this post for more information on responsive websites.

6. Make it Minimalistic 

Minimalistic design keeps visitors focused on the information they're looking for. That way, you don't distract them or encourage them to leave and look elsewhere.

Single-page websites are also making a comeback. This keeps users focused on essential pieces of content without drawing them off the page.

Make it to the Top: The Best Web Design Trends of 2019

With these six web design trends of 2019, you can design a creative, compelling website. As an essential marketing tool, your website will attract new customers and help boost sales!

For more design and marketing tips, check out our blog for regular updates!