SEO For Startups: 7 Reasons Why Your Startup Needs to Invest in SEO

Remember when everyone in the phone book wanted to have a name that started with multiple A's? That's because it was the first thing people saw when they opened the ol' yellow pages. When everyone owned one, it was a great source of marketing.

Now everyone has access to its successor: the Internet. 

Much like our distant ancestors, we use Google (or even Bing, yikes) like we would a phone book. When we want to research something, we Google it. 

If you're not on the first page of results, 95% of the world is overlooking your business. SEO for startups will make or break your business' progress. 

Here are 7 reasons why you need to get your website on the first page. 

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Page 2 Is Where Links Go to Die

Most people find what they're searching for within the first few links of a Google search. The search engine giant specializes in getting what the people want quickly. It's imperative to be at the top of the search results. 

Don't let your website get swept away to the depths of page 2. 

Important Business Data

Have faith in your business model. It's likely a good one if you've gone through the trouble of trying to market it. 

SEO provides valuable analytics for businesses, such as trends and interests of consumers. 

It Costs Nothing! (Sometimes)

Some of the best things in life are free. Sunday strolls in the park, picnics in the park with a loved one, and SEO strategies to generate traffic. 

You can choose to hire an SEO agency to market your business. But if you're strapped for cash, there are free resources. Startups especially could enjoy the low barrier cost of search engine marketing. 

It's a Compounding Technique

Ads are forgettable. Most people don't even like them.

Do you remember that thirty-second commercial during half-time about that one beer? Of course not. 

When your business gets more and more hits on search engines, there's a compounding effect. Your website garners those searches and clicks, increasing its popularity. There, it'll stay, like a permanent billboard on Google's highway. 

SEO for Startups Builds Trust

You're the expert on door-building. Maybe you're the best guitar re-stringer in the tri-state area

Having your website recognized so highly by our Google overlords is like a plaque. It's a plaque that signifies your excellence and authority. 

Stay Ahead of Google

Google is constantly modifying its search algorithms. Tweaks here and there could hurl your website to the back-pages. 

Being on top of the new search trends will keep you at the top. 

Staying there is just as important as getting there. 

Long-Term Goals

Keeping your doors open is probably important to you. SEO might help a budding startup in the first year, but it's a long-term strategy. 

SEO is long-term. Keeping your website above everyone else's is crucial. 

SEO Later! 

SEO for startups is the business' biggest marketing strategy. 

The second page of the search engine is not a place for a new business. SEO provides important analytics and connections to your customers. 

It costs nothing (if you do it right). SEO is a long-term marketing tactic that builds trust for your business. If you stay ahead of search engine's algorithms, your website will remain at the top as an everlasting ad. 

We hope to SEO you later! Don't be shy and keep in touch.

businessTong Chen