Brand Your Business: Why Every Company Needs an Attractive Logo

Have you ever been introduced to a room full of people and not been able to remember more than two names? That is often how consumers feel when searching the web or walking through stores while attempting to find what they need. 

They're overloaded with average-looking logos and brands that mean nothing to them. One of the easiest ways to capture a consumer's attention is by having an attractive logo. We're going to take a look at why logo design makes a difference to your business and customers. 

Keep reading for more information! 

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People Remember an Attractive Logo

Not everyone is going to remember your name, the name of your business, or even what you sell. However, they WILL remember a striking logo. This doesn't mean that the design has to be incredibly fancy -- it just needs to be something that appeals to the eye. 

Attractiveness is different for everyone, but most people enjoy seeing clean lines and a logo that is easy to read. This translates into something attractive, yet memorable which means people will recall your brand easier! 

A Current Logo Legitimises the Business

Even if you have a business that has been around for decades, updating your logo might not be a bad thing. We're not talking about hitting the delete button but rather, refining what you've got. 

Keeping your logo and choosing to keep it current shows patrons that you are still relevant and keeping with "the times." Over the years, your company has grown and changed, your logo should reflect that. 

Also, if your old logo is complex, it may not translate well to marketing materials and probably won't look great on the web. Online presence is something most consumers look for and if yours doesn't meet their standards, you may lose their business. 

Logos Create Brand Loyalty

If you're a woman, think of a few high-end handbag brands: you're probably not thinking of specific bags but instead, their logos.

If you're a man, think of your go-to suit: there is probably a specific brand logo that you look for and flock to when making a purchase.

No matter who you are, you probably have certain brands that you are more loyal to. All of those brands have some sort of logo. It's the logo you think of when you are going to buy whatever product it is--sort of like you claiming the brand for yourself, even if only mentally. 

You Don't Have to Know Exactly What You Want

When you are creating a new, attractive logo for your company, you may worry that you have no idea how to do so. You may only have a general idea of what you'd like, or maybe not even a mental image. 

That's okay, there are several ways to find your logo. One of which includes talking to friends and family, another involves you speaking to graphic design professionals. 

Ideally, you will find a professional who understands both the need for an attractive logo and the branding that comes with it. If it is proving difficult to find this person, contact us to begin work on your fresh, new logo! 

businessTong Chen